Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Home Update: Ikea Meets Elfa

I wanted to update everyone on how my loft is coming along. Monday I went to Ikea and bought a ton of furniture to update my closet as well as my loft. The loft looks good so far, but the closet is still a work in progress.

I love my little laptop desk where I can sit around a bunch of inspiring elements while designing graphics.


Trev's side is still coming together. we have a lot of things were donating lying around so excuse the mess.

Meanwhile here are some pictures of the progress in the closet:

My handy dandy drill and a bunch of Ikea parts, lets get to work!

Trev's side of the closet is coming together quite nicely


I organized his T-Shirts by folding them and filing them, I learned this from Alejandra's brilliant organization skills. His under shirt tank tops I just folded into threes and rolled up neatly and the underwear is folded nicely next to it.

So what are you tips to organize your closet?

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